Tonight was our annual Bailey Christmas Party. We have a world famous white elephant party and we usually spend the whole year looking for that perfect gift. This year we got a rat for Morgan's gift to give. David was the lucky winner. After about 10 or 15 minutes of everyone screaming and freaking out we put the rat in a corner by the front door. At the end of the night David conveniently left the rat behind. I could tell that Casey really really wanted the rat but Holly would no way go for it and Amy forced us to take it out of her house. So now we have a new pet...until Friday night when we go to another Christmas party and can pawn him off. Teddy will be devastated. Please tilt your head to the side to look at the pictures.
not sure if thats the best pet to be gettin little kids. we went through 14 hamsters in less than 2 months.
but if they ever die of heat stroke like almost all of ours did you just pop them into the freezer and they some how come back to life, my dad is the one that figured that out.
But...let me add. We had one escape and get between the walls of our house. It was creepy, noisey and very smelly. He finally came running across the room while I was watching, The Office. I gave him the boot out of our house! He over stayed his welcome.
Wish we could of attended your famous PARTY. Maybe next year.
By the way... Teddy looks unsure of his new pet. He looks so grown up. Very Cute!
Erin's gonna be so disappointed she missed that party. She loves rats.
Sara, I have already read about the rat story. Could you please update your blog. It isn't as much fun if everyone doesn't keep their blog update!
A rat?? AHHH!
You have such a cute family! And I'm certainly glad I didn't come to your party to win a rat! :) Sounds like fun though! And I love your shaved head picture! I'm sitting here just laughing out loud at the computer! Feeling a little silly!
That rat was definitely the best part of the party. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for taking him home with you too. Yuck.
That rat was definitely the best part of the party. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for taking him home with you too. Yuck.
are you going to let the rat hang out in your pant leg before you give him away
The rat is in the basement and won't be spending anytime in my pant leg. If it lives until Friday, then he will be gone.
Sara you have a beard. I am sad and no he isnt a jerk. well maybe a little. Im sad
rats are cute if they're well fed. I recommend you call yours Ted. A poem for you. Happy rat day!
TIT beware of the plague
TIT, by the way I broke my monitor trying to look at your pictures
Hey it's Alesha from the party at Tawnya's. I need to know what stupid Petsmart you bought the thing from so I can take it back, I have called everywhere and noone has record of so if you could let me know that would be lovely. It's inhumane to just let someone take it and kill it but my husband won't let us keep it. Thanks.
That is funny! Your other friends didn't like the rat? I wonder how many parties you will be invited to next year?
If no one invites me, I will still show up. I know where everyone lives.
I called them and they said they haven't sold a rat for 2 months, do you have the sales contract? I have to have it to take her back and I really need to take her soon.
Thanks, I called yesterday and whoever I talked to was an idiot :) I will run her back. I would keep it but my husband isn't having it. It really was funny, don't get me wrong, I just can't let anyone kill an animal :)
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