Tuesday, December 4, 2007

No No, This Is My Page

I changed templates to make it more festive and I also changed my music to Christmas music. Enjoy.


E said...

Whoa, what...

Vegas Family said...

Yikes! I was worried there for a second.

Hazel said...

You got me! This is actually Katie. Tom started a lame blog, and has taken over my name.

Hazel said...

Regarding your last post (this is tom by the way). I used to have a little boy named Kamiman Fife Morgan with my last wife and I have an adorable picture of him holding a rifle, right before kami shot him for not looking cute enough. just thought you should know, be carefull, i think she lives close to you.

Hazel said...

Sara, the only reason i check jenny's first is because she updates hers more often than you! But to make things a bit more fair. i have been hangning out on your blog all day. I have ahd a great time. There have been things that I've missed. I had no idea how complex you were. I never would have seen some of the older posts if you hadn't been so offended. So again, thank you. This is Katie, BTW.

Hazel said...

oh, how did you get your mom to post like a thousand messages on you blog. It made you look really cool. Maybe she will do that for me. I don't care if it is the same thing over and over. Katie BTW

TimW8 said...
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TimW8 said...

You can pick your friends and in a theater you can pick your seat but whatever you do, don't pick your friend's seat. If you're a picker I wanna hear about it! Click here to take the poll.

Hazel said...

I am waiting for an update. Do it. Do it. Do it. (Can you hear me saying it with a Boston accent?) Do it!

Hot Pants said...

I am so sorry to say, but the 12 Days of Christmas is my very least favorite song ever. Infact, I get depressed listening to it. It makes me think of 5th grade, and I don't know why.