This is the side where they put the plate in and tied all the ligaments back together. It gets thicker at the bottom because that is where they recut it a few months later to take out the screws that were preventing me to walk. All the dot scars are just the staples. Apparently the doctor was to lazy to stitch.
These are the screws they took out of my leg (there are still 10 left in my leg). They crack me up because they just look like something out of our garage. I was expecting something a little more medical looking. It does look like maybe it required an allen wrench so that make it a little more fancy. The battery is just to show size, that was never in my leg.
This is a picture Teddy took of my leg. He didn't get why I was taking pictures of my leg but he thought it looked like fun. This is not the leg I broke by the way, just in case you were wondering what happened to my scars.
This is what I wished my leg really looked like. If this was my leg I would constantly be squeezing it and would always showing it off. I probably wouldn't wear the diaper, depending on how lazy I felt.
Well that was my post. I hope you enjoyed. Please leave comments so that I look more popular than Morgan (we are always competing). And then go visit his post and leave a comment (because I am such a good wife).
I loved the scar pictures. I have some of my own I will have to share with everyone now. They are from when I had my babies. It was a pretty big apeziotomy. It went almost all the way to my rectom!
Those are some great battle wounds! I will post the one on my stomache from my 4 deliveries.
The screws in my leg would really bother me. Your brave!
Creative post. Just leaving this so you can beat Morgan....
He's been naughty anyway, so if he doesn't get it together, he won't be getting any presents. Down to 10 months.
Oh, I just want to squish those legs!
I have a nasty scar on my foot where they had to cut out some mother fungus. Not really sure how qualified the doctor was, but what ever was growing on my 4 year old (nothing recent because that is sick, fungus grwoing on feet...) foot soon disappeared like magic.
I am totally not trying to upstage you. Your skating injury is one for the books. I don't know how many posts it has made it on. You are famous. I totally think you could kick Morgans behind in a comment competition. You are a lean mean blogging machine. No offense Morgan. I hope you still leave comments on my totally lame blog.
and I'm trying
to get you more posts
than him....hehehe....wives rule!
BTW....very interesting scars! How long did it take to recover from that? I never even heard about it...but I live too far away and miss all the good stuff.
Wow, impressive scars! I can't believe those screws were in your leg...and you kept them!
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Your blog has a PBS feel to it for some reason.
Your pictures didn't give me the willies, but your description did. Also, I know from experience, if those were your chubby thighs, you wouldn't have as much fun squeezing them.
The scars are awesome. And for the record, I am totally neglecting my kids right now to comment on your site.
My question is this: What kind of groovy move were you doing in order to receive that kind of an injury from roller skating?
Gnarly scars! So, just wondering, when you go through a metal detector does your leg set it off?
BTW in case you're wondering I'm your cousin Andy's wife. I've been stalking your blog for quite some time now. Hope you don't mind.
It is okay that you stalk my blog Amber because I am stalking your's too. I guess I will start leaving comments now. I don't know if metal detector go off because I have not had the opportunity to try. And Emily, the move I was doing was so hot I couldn't even begin to describe it.
This is the most popular blog post yet! Your scars made me loose my appetite. Thanks Im trying to diet so it all worked out well! Love ya sis
How did a battery get in your leg?!
Also what in that case it is necessary to do?
I inclination not approve on it. I regard as warm-hearted post. Expressly the appellation attracted me to read the whole story.
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