I, Sara, promise never to break the morning rules whitch are the following: 1 must be totaly ready for school before finishing unfinished homework 2 be dressed before going to breakfast inless it's an emergely or if we both agree not to be dressed 3 we can't leave until the room is clean 4 hair must be done after we are dressed 5 put pigamages in laundry when your done - or you'll have to make the bed by yourself 6 no playing Netendo. and if I follow these rules Jenny won't boss me around, but if I do break these rules Jenny may boss me around me around about breaking the rules. But if Jenny bosses me around about something else, I can break one of the rules.
My favorite things about this contract are:
1. I never did homework so it was not neccessary to include the part about unfinished homework before getting ready for school.
2. Our room was always a big mess and I wore my p.j.'s to school.
3. The fact that Jenny can't spell.
4. I was 12 and she was 15 when we wrote this contract.
Anyways, Happy Birthday! I love you!! Below is a little tribute with all the pictures that I have of you. I hope you enjoy it.
Sorry, this is the only picture I have of you on my computer.