I, Sara, promise never to break the morning rules whitch are the following: 1 must be totaly ready for school before finishing unfinished homework 2 be dressed before going to breakfast inless it's an emergely or if we both agree not to be dressed 3 we can't leave until the room is clean 4 hair must be done after we are dressed 5 put pigamages in laundry when your done - or you'll have to make the bed by yourself 6 no playing Netendo. and if I follow these rules Jenny won't boss me around, but if I do break these rules Jenny may boss me around me around about breaking the rules. But if Jenny bosses me around about something else, I can break one of the rules.
My favorite things about this contract are:
1. I never did homework so it was not neccessary to include the part about unfinished homework before getting ready for school.
2. Our room was always a big mess and I wore my p.j.'s to school.
3. The fact that Jenny can't spell.
4. I was 12 and she was 15 when we wrote this contract.
Anyways, Happy Birthday! I love you!! Below is a little tribute with all the pictures that I have of you. I hope you enjoy it.
Sorry, this is the only picture I have of you on my computer.
Thanks for the memories and laughs. You and Jenny were so fun to be with growing up and still are great to be with. Happy Birthday to Jenny!
My favorite part of that contract is the fact that you signed it. And I really believe it stands the test of time because, if I wrote that contract today, I'd still spell everything exactly the same way and you'd still sign it. Cord and Gus really remind me of me and you as kids.
Thanks for blogging my birthday (and plastering my age all over the internet). Now I'm off to read ALL my other birthday tributes! Bye.
Don't you just love that girl? Jenny made me sign a contract to promising not to boss me if I followed these rules
1-Alaways emale her if I update my blog
2-Alaways show up to a planed event with hair bruched.
3-Not blog untill all my choars are done.
Really, I think she is just trying to help me out.
Waz up, Sara? I'll see ya in about a week! Parteeeeeeee!
Contracts are awesome. I only wish I had the smartlyness to keep stuff like that from when I was a kid. And then to know where to find it when I needed to make a rad post like this.
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