I was planning on a different picture for today and doing an entirely different post. As I went to download pictures off my camera, I found Wini's birthday pictures and saw pictures of these two beauties cruising around, having a good time.
For those you who don't know, my niece Violet is on the left and Wini is the driver. Those girls had so much.I love how big Violet's smile is on the bottom picture.
What a couple of cuties! Just like their mamas.
True dat. Those girlers are GORGE!
They were even cuter in person, if you can believe it.
I'm seeing some best cousins in the works. Total cuties!
is there room for one more in that cab...
A couple of true beauties!
Oh my goodness they are cute!!
I love how completely different in looks they are (Violet a dark beauty and Wini and fair princess), but so alike in the fun they were having together! Proud to call them part of my posterity.
they are so cute ...
they are so cute ...
Cutie pies! I showed Homer this picture because his old BCF (Violet) is in it and I was like, "Who's that, Homer?" and he stares at the screen for a while, then goes, "I can't say his name."
He couldn't remember her name. ;( That's sad.
Good choice for favorite fotos!!! super cute!
So adorable!! I hope their dads are prepared for all the boys that will be stopping by!
I think everyone else said it for me. Those girls are the cutest.
I would have absolutely no problem adopting those girls for my own. Without hesitation I would keep them forever.
wow thanks grandma
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