Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Addiction

It all started about four months ago. We had a major change in our family and a teenager came to live with us. She seemed like a very nice girl and loved little kids. She had no history of aggression and was never ever mean to my kids. In fact, my kids loved her and at times preferred her over me. But at night time when I was trying to sleep, all that kept running through my head was "I have a teenager living in my house that I just got out of jail." I know it was silly of me to be so paranoid but what can I say, my dad was a worry wort and it is in my DNA. So after tossing and turning I decided to get up and get the kids and bring them in my room. I laid Teddy and Wini on a mattress on my floor and put Wolfe in bed with me. Morgan was very annoyed at my paranoia and told me he would not put up with the kids sleeping in our room every night. The next night was the same thing though. This time I waited until Morgan was asleep, then I crept out of my room, grabbed the kids, and put them in their same positions. I always made sure that Wolfe was on the end at my flanks and me in the middle so that Morgan would never find out. Morgan was usually the last one to wake up in the mornings so the kids would be out of our room and usually the evidence would be gone. I made sure that me and Wolfe snuggled up together really tight so Morgan wouldn't feel crowded. Time went on and as I got to know this teenager, I really did feel like she loved my kids but then she started to hang out with hoodlums and giving them my phone number and address. Now I was paranoid about who might be sneaking over to our house at night. So the kids still had to be brought into my room at night. Again, time went by and eventually this particular teenager ended up getting arrested and leaving our house for good. So now all my paranoid fears are gone...but I still can't sleep. There was way too much room in my bed and I needed to hear the sucking of a binki and I missed the creepy sleep talking that went on at night time. So as soon as Morgan was a sleep, I went and got the kids and brought them into my room and fell fast asleep.

Hello, my name is Sara and I am addicted to kids sleeping in my room.

I know it is not my fault. It is a disease. There is family history of paranoia and children sleeping with their parents for prolonged periods at a time. I try every night to not bring them in. I look myself in the mirror before bed and tell myself, 'I am strong and I don't need them to sleep.' But I can't do it. I need them.


Anonymous said...


Hot Pants said...

I don't want them in my bed, but I don't mind them on my floor. But, I also don't want them in there until I am ready to go to bed. And, when they get up in the morning they have to take all their bedding out and fold it and put it away. It is usually too much work to make it worth it for them, so they stay in their own beds.
That will be fuin with Wolfe though when he's 16.

Memzy said...

I am lucky enough to not suffer from this genetic disease. I can call Jeff Vanvonderen from "Intervention" if you want. A&E makes good TV.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

You are the yin to my yang. To quote a really overused lame saying "Landee don't play that."

I remember wanting to sleep in my parents' room once when I was like, 14. I had made the mistake of watching Nightmare on Elm Street: Jason Lives at somebody's house. My parents were kind enough to let me curl up on their floor like a dog. I took the offer. Jason was so gonna come after me.

Cristin said...

Boy, I wish I slept better when our kids are in our bed since our kids are usually in our bed.

Vegas Family said...

I second Amy's comment!

Markie23 said...

I like it best when the kids have a sleepover... at somebody elses house.

Anonymous said...

I hope your children don't read all you gizes comments because they will have abandonment issues and need years of therapy.

E said...

But how do you and Morgan make love?

Elder Jack Anderson said...


Anonymous said...
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eekareek said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lovedkat said...

well since you are bringing them in im sure your done with all the love making you need before they come in so no need to worry about marriage problems...personally i like it when my kids come in to snuggle me at night i see nothing wrong with it at all...i picture sara sneaking out of be and tip toeing out of the room and very very carefully bring each of them in so that morgan doesnt notice and the look on her beautiful face while shes doing it....its hilarious. then she oh so very carefully climbs into bed snuggles her back up to morgan and has sweet little wolfe on the edge and as he creeply sleep talks she probalby coughs to cover it up then they all go back to sleep...i wonder if this is why shes so tired all the time though? hmm.....but im crazy so my advice probably isnt the this is saras bff katie

eekareek said...

Sorry had to delete a comment because it had a name in it that could get me in trouble.

eekareek said...

KATIE!! We are blogging at the same time!!!

lovedkat said...

sara are you still up

Anonymous said...

Ok I didn't know the name would get you in trouble BUT I hope you will write me back and be honest. I would never want to hurt your feelings. I have been thinking about it all morning.

eekareek said...

Rana, it is okay that you said her name. You didn't know. I just had to delete it because of privacy issues.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
