Today is my sister Amy's Birthday. Amy is my most favorite sister that lives in Idaho. She is also my only sister that lives in Idaho. It is so nice having her live nearby. She is very nice and generous and is always a good time. She is super friendly and can make conversation with any random stranger. It is a little dangerous actually. So here are some fun facts about Amy.
A lways reliable
M usical genius
Y MCA is where she works
She has short name. There is much more to her than that. Happy Birthday Amy.
Trick candles are so funny.
Who doesn't love trick candles? ::pointing to self:: But srsly, I'd like someone to invent candles that make a fart noise when you blow them out. That will never get old.
Ha! You got her good with those trick candles. "YMCA is where she works"<--lollerz. Happy Birthday Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More like a musical prodigy. That spit cake was delicious! Thanks Sara! You're my favorite sister from Idaho too.
Happy Birthday Amy! Remind me to ask Tom about the secret to trick candles.
WOW nothing gets past her! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope Amy doesn't have the flu cuz if she does everybody else is gonna have it too.
Happy 29th birthday Amy!
She figured out they are trick candles pretty quickly. Which demonstrates she's really smart too.
Hey Sara, remember that one time that I showed up to your house for dinner and you had bought a cake and you had trick candles on it for Amy's birthday? That was the funnest day ever! I normally don't like chocolate cake, but, I don't know, maybe the spit...something made it magical. I know it wasn't just me either. Remember how much Wolfe loved that cake? I wish you had video of that.
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